Corso residenziale CyberTrackerItalia
October 05, 2018
06 Ottobre 2018 Posti limitati
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I particolari rendono le piccole cose dei grandi avvenimenti.
Lorentz, K. L'anello di Re Salomone. 1967 Adelphi (letteratura)
Boitani, L. Le tracce raccontano. 1989 Mondadori
Liebenberg, L. A field guide to the Animal Tracks of Southern Africa. 1990
Bang, P. Guida alle tracce degli animali. 1993 Ed. Zanichelli
Liebenberg, L. Tracks and Tracking in Southern Africa. 2000 Struik Nature
Liebenberg, L. A photographic guide to Tracks and Tracking in Southern Africa. 2000 Struik Nature
Elbroch, M., Marks, E. Bird Tracks & Sign: A Guide to North American Species. 2001 Stackpole Books
Muller, G. Indovina che cosa succede. Una passeggiata invisibile. 2001 Balbalibri (libro per bambini)
Liebenberg, L. First field guide to Animal Tracks of Southern Africa. 2003 Struik Nature
Elbroch, M. Mammal Tracks & Signs: A guide to North American Species. 2003 Stackpole Books
Lovari, S., Rolando, A. Guida allo studio degli animali in natura. 2004 Bollati Boringhieri
Galàn Martin, J.M. Huellas y rastros de la fauna de Doñana. 2007
Giordano, P. La solitudine dei numeri primi. 2008 Ed. Mondadori (letteratura)
Halfpenny, J. Track Plates for Mammals. 2009 Indipendent publish
Eiseman, C., Charney, N. Tracks & Signs of Insects and other invertebrates: A guide to North American Species. 2010 Stackpole Books
Liebenberg, L., Louw, A., Elbroch, M. Practical Tracking. A guide to following footprints & finding animals. 2010 Stackpole Books
Gutteridge, L. and Liebenberg, L. Mammals of Southern Africa and their Tracks and Signs. 2013 Jacana Media Ltd
Lars-Henrik, O. Tracks and Signs of the animals of Britain and Europe. 2013 Princeton University Press
Baker, N. Tracce e segni degli animali. 2013 Manuali scienze naturali​​​​
Lowery, J.C. The tracker's Field Guide. 2013 Globe Pequot Press
Brown, R., Ferguson, J., Lawrence, M., Lees, D., Tracce e segni degli uccelli d'Europa. 2015 Ed. Muzzio
Bouchner, M. Le tracce degli animali. Ed. De Agostini
Trackzyk, F. Tracks & Signs of Reptiles & Amphibians: A guide to North American Species. 2015 Stackpole Books
Liebenberg, L., Louw, A., Elbroch, M. Practical Tracking. A guide to following footprints & finding animals. 2010 Stackpole Books
De la Fuente, J.C. Lobos, linces y osos. Los grandes carnívoros ibéricos a través de sus rastros. 2017 Perdix Ediciones
Galàn Martin, J.M., Vazquez, J. Fichas de Huellas de la Fauna Ibérica. 2017
Gutteridge, L. Invertebrates of Southern Africa and their Tracks and Signs. 2017 Jacana Me
Abenza, L. Aves que dejan huellas. 2018 MadBIRD
Romani T., Giannone G. et al. Use of track count and camera traps to estimate roe deer density. 2018 Mammal Research